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The 194 page, 9” x 12”, high quality coffee-table book, available in both hard and softcovers, includes 168 duotone photographs and 26 full color images made over the last 40 years of what remains of Manzanar at varying stages of barrenness and restoration. As a way to honor the Japanese-Americans who lost so much during this tragic period, the book has been printed using 157gsm  Japanese-made NPI matte art paper. 


Although the images don’t include pictures of the original inhabitants, the photographs, accompanied by text co-written with my wife, Shira, tell the story of the lives of those who were incarcerated there. We are also very excited to have the Foreword written by Michael Adams, son of the renowned photographer Ansel Adams. Michael had visited Manzanar a couple of times with his father, when Ansel had been asked to photograph and document life in the camp during the war. Michael Adams reflects on his personal experience of his visits to Manzanar and offers a unique firsthand view of Ansel’s own perspective of Manzanar and the task he had been asked to perform there.


"Brian Goodman’s impressive and moving photographs in his book, Manzanar: Their Footsteps Remain – 40 Years of Photography, evoke deeply embedded memories of my childhood visits to the Manzanar Relocation Camp with my father, photographer Ansel Adams, during World War II . . . Brian’s depiction of the remnants of the forced internment of Japanese-Americans in Manzanar is an important body of work." ~ Michael Adams


In addition to the historic duotone images from the last 40 years, I have added a chapter which includes 26 images printed in full color, entitled “Manzanar Today,” which shows some of the current restoration that is taking place by the U.S. National Park Service. I have also created a three page fold-out timeline of important dates throughout Manzanar’s history showing a comparison with other major world events that took place at the same time. 

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